
ACD1 Reference Manual
Panel operations
These settings allow you to control an amplifier connected to the
Power on/standby (“2. Amp Control” “Standby”)
Switches the power of the specified amplifier between On and Standby.
If you select “ALL” as the [Amp ID], the power supply status may indicate “Some Standby.” This means that the power is
On for some amplifiers, and Standby for others.
Mute (“2. Amp Control” “Mute”)
Mutes or unmutes the channel of the specified amplifier.
If you select “ALL” as the [Amp ID], the mute status may indicate “Some Muted.” This indicates that there are both muted
and unmuted channels.
Attenuator value adjustment (“2. Amp Control” “Attenuation”)
Adjusts the channel attenuator value of the specified amplifier. The attenuator
value can be adjusted only for amplifiers (as of September 2009: the PC-N/
Tn series) connected to the [DATA PORT] connector.
Controlling an amplifier (“2. Amp Control”)
Parameter Range Explanation
Amp ID 00–39, ALL Selects the ID of the amplifier whose power will be switched. If you select “ALL,” the
power of all amplifiers will be switched to the specified state.
Power supply status Standby/On Selects the status of the power supply.
Parameter Range Explanation
Amp ID 00–39, ALL Selects the ID of the amp whose channel is to be muted. If you select “ALL,” the mute
status for all channels of all amplifiers will be switched.
Amp Ch A–H, ALL Selects the channel whose mute status is to be switched. The range of channels that
can be selected will depend on the amplifier you select. If you select “ALL,” the mute
status for all channels of the selected amplifier will be switched.
Mute status Muted/Unmuted Selects the mute status.
Parameter Range Explanation
Amp ID 00–31 Selects the ID of the amp for which the attenuator value of a channel is to be adjusted.
Amp Ch A–H Selects the channel whose attenuator value is to be adjusted. The range of channels
that can be selected will depend on the amplifier you select.
Attenuator value 0 dB– -78 dB, - Selects the attenuator value.
The selectable range is 0 dB through -44 dB in 1 dB steps, -44 dB through -78 dB
in 2 dB steps, with -78 dB followed by -.
2.Amp Control
Amp ID: 01
Amp Ch: A
Amp Ch: A