
Performance Mode
MKB TxSW4 (Master keyboard
Transmit Switch 4)
For each zone, you can enable or disable the transmission
of Bank Select and Program Change messages when you
switch Performance Banks or Programs.
Bank (Bank Select): off, on
PC (Program Change): off, on
MKB TxPreset1 (Master Keyboard
Transmit Preset 1)
You can set each zone’s initial volume and stereo pan
settings when changing Performance Bank/Program.
Vol (Volume)
Set the output level of the zone.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
This setting is not transmitted if the Vol (Volume)
parameter of the MKB TxSw3 screen has been set to
Set the stereo pan position of the zone.
Settings: L64 (Left) ~ C (Center) ~ R63 (Right)
This setting is not transmitted if the Pan parameter at
the MKB TxSw3 screen has been set to “off.”
MKB TxPreset2 (Master Keyboard
Transmit Preset 2)
For each zone, you can set the Bank Select and
Program Change parameters transmitted when
changing Bank/Program in a Performance.
BankMSB (MIDI Bank Select MSB)
Set the Bank Select MSB transmitted when changing
Settings: 0 ~ 127
MKBíTxPreset2) BankMSB BankLSB PC
Zone01 127 127 1
MKBíTxPreset1) Volume Pan
Zone01 127 C
MKBíTxSw4) Bank PC
Zone01 on on
BankLSB (MIDI Bank Select LSB)
Set the Bank Select LSB transmitted when changing
Settings: 0 ~ 127
“Bank Select” is a type of MIDI message transmitted
when changing Voice Bank. Control Change MSB and
LSB messages are combined to form Bank Select
messages, which are used to specify the Voice Bank.
These message values will vary according to
synthesizer. For more details, refer to the
documentation that came with your synthesizer.
This setting is not transmitted if the Bank (Bank Select)
parameter at the MKB TxSw4 screen has been set to
PC (MIDI Program Change)
Set the Program Number transmitted when changing
Settings: 1 ~ 128
Program Numbers 001 to 128 directly relate to MIDI
Program Change Numbers 000 to 127. That is,
Program Numbers and Program Change Numbers differ
by a value of 1. Remember to take this into
This setting is not transmitted if the PC (Program
Change) parameter at the MKB TxSw4 screen has been
set to “off.”
MKB Assign (Master Keyboard Assign)
You can assign a different Control Slider function
(Control Change) to each zone.
Settings: off, 1 ~ 95
MKBíAssign) ControlSlider
Zone01 07[Main Vol] 