BREAD DUMPLINGS (for 5 Portions)
Total cooking time: approx. 8-11 minutes
Utensils: bowl with lid (1 Iitre capacity)
5 cups or pudding moulds
2 tbsp butter or margarine (20 g)
1 onion (50 g), finely chopped
500 ml milk
200 g dried bread cubes
(from approx. 5 bread rolls)
3 eggs
1. Cut the bread rolls into small cubes and soak in
the milk.
2. Divide the fat on the bottom of the bowl and add
the chopped onion. Cover and cook.
1-2 min. 900 W
3. Add the onion to the bread cubes. Beat the eggs,
add them and mix well to form a workable paste.
If necessary add a little milk.
4. Divide the paste equally into 5 cups or pudding
moulds, cover with microwave cling film, arrange
on the edge of the turntable and cook.
6-8 min. 900 W
Allow the dumplings to stand for about 2 minutes
after cooking. Turn the dumplings into a plate
before serving.
Total cooking time: approx. 18-25 minutes
Utensils: bowl with lid (2 Iitre capacity)
shallow, square gratin dish with lid
(approx. 20 x 20 x 6 cm)
300 g canned tomatoes
50 g ham, finely cubed
1 onion (50 g), finely chopped
1 clove of garlic, crushed
250 g minced meat (beef)
2 tbsp mashed tomato (30 g)
salt & pepper
oregano, thyme & basil
150 ml cream (crème fraîche)
100 ml milk
50 g grated Parmesan cheese
1 tsp mixed chopped herbs
1 tsp olive oil
salt & pepper
1 tsp vegetable to grease the dish
125 g green flat pasta
1 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese
1 tbsp butter or margarine
1. Cut the tomatoes into slices, mix with the ham,
onion cubes, garlic, minced meat and mashed
tomato. Season and cook with the lid on.
5-8 min. 900 W
2. Mix the cream with the milk, Parmesan cheese,
herbs, oil and spices.
3. Grease the soufflé mould and cover the bottom of
the mould with about
of the pasta. Put half of
the minced meat mixture on the pasta and pour
on some sauce. Put an additional
of the
pasta on top followed by another layer of the
minced meat mixture and some sauce, finishing
with the remaining pasta on top. Finally, cover the
pasta with lots of sauce and sprinkle with
Parmesan cheese. Place butter flakes on top and
cook with the lid on.
13-17 min. 630 W
After cooking, let the lasagne stand for
approximately 5-10 minutes.
2. ZD-72D English 01/06/2004 09:32 Page 38