SGD Printer Settings
12/16/13 EPL Programming Guide 14245L-003 Rev. A
Description This command determines if the clean cutter option is enabled or disabled. For
printer support, see SGD Command Support on page 315.
Type getvar;setvar
This table identifies the command for this format:
Note • For details on SGD command structure, see Command Structure on page 638.
Commands Details
This command retrieves the status of the clean cutter option.
Format: ! U1 getvar "cutter.clean_cutter"
This command instructs the printer to set the clean cutter option.
Format: ! U1 setvar "cutter.clean_cutter"
Va lues:
"on" = turns on clean cutter
"off" = turns off clean cutter
Default: "on"
Example • This setvar example shows the value set to "on".
! U1 setvar "cutter.clean_cutter" "on"
When the setvar value is set to "on", the getvar result is "on".