FS Command - Store Form
Description This command begins a form store sequence.
Parameters “FORMNAME” =This is the form name that
will be used when retrieving the stored
The name may be up to 8 characters long.
Form names stored by the printer are case
sensitive and will be stored exactly as entered
on the FS command line; i.e. “FORM1”,
“form1” and “FoRm1” are three different
forms when stored into the printer or when re
trieved by the user.
Global commands such as EI, EK, ES, FI,
FK, GI, GK, GM, I, M, N, P, TS, U, UE,
UF, UG, Y, W, ?, ^@ should not be used in
a form store sequence.
Form name, AUTOFR, is reserved for automatic,
single form recall, see page 3-9 for details.
❏All commands following FS will be stored in
forms memory until the FE command is re-
ceived, ending the form store process.
Delete a form prior to updating the form by
using the FK command. If a form (with the
same name) is already stored in memory, is
suing the FS command will result in an error
and the previously stored form is retained.
To print a list of the forms currently stored in
memory, use the FI command.
A form will not store if sufficient memory is
not allocated to form memory. See the M
command for details on adjusting and con
figuring memory to store forms (graphics and
soft fonts).
980352-001 Rev.A