Installation Steps
P1058563-003 10/31/13
5. Email the certificate file (.csr file) to softpm@zebra.com.
This certificate will be signed and sent back to you. Once you receive a signed copy,
proceed to the next step.
6. Copy the zip file containing the signed certificate files to the zebra_certs directory.
7. Extract the signed certificate files into the same directory.
8. This step will convert the certificate and ask you to set a passkey. Enter the following
command and fill in the fields based on the information provided below:
pkcs12 -export -in zserver.abccompanyinc.com.cer -inkey
zserver.abccompanyinc.com.key -out
zserver.abccompanyinc.com.p12 -name tomcat -CAfile
ZebraCAChain.cer -caname root -chain
•where zserver.abccompanyinc.com: full DNS name of the server
• This command will ask you to set a passkey.
9. Enter a standard alphanumeric passkey, but do not include any special characters (for
example, do not use characters such as $, %, &, or @). The passkey should be something
easy to remember, but should not be distributed to anyone.
10. Copy this file zserver.abccompanyinc.com.p12 to:
%TOMCAT_INSTALL_LOCATION%\tomcat7.0.33\conf directory
Note • You should receive four certificate files: one that matches the one you sent and
three with the names ZebraCAChain.