Software Command Syntax
P1002902-002 TTP 2000 Technical Manual 09/14/2009
<ESC>&<0> is used to load a font to the printer flash PROM. The font is placed in the first
free position. The printer indicates that storage is complete by operating the presenter motor
for a short period of time. The font position is determined by the order that the fonts are loaded
into the printer.
A kiosk printer font file consists of a header containing data describing the font as well as data
for each individual character in the font.
Fonts can be designed with the FastFont application included with Toolbox and can be loaded
or deleted using the Toolbox application. The fonts loaded are not used by the Windows driver,
so it is not necessary to load fonts into the printer to use the Windows driver.
For complete specification of the font format, refer to Font Loading on page 71.
<ESC>&C erases all fonts stored in the flash PROM. The printer indicates that erasure is
complete by operating the presenter motor for a short period of time.
<ESC>&D erases the fonts in positions 4–7. Fonts in positions 0–3 are not affected by this
The font position is determined by the order that the fonts are loaded into the printer. This
command can take up to 20 seconds to execute.
<ESC>&F temporarily sets all parameters to predefined default values that are stored in the
firmware. To make the default values permanent, store them in the EEPROM with command
Unless the parameters are stored, a reset command or power cycle will return the parameters to
the settings stored in the EEPROM.
ESC & 0
Load Font
1B 26 00 hex
27 38 0 decimal
Note • The available font memory is printed on the self-test printout. A maximum of 8 fonts
may be loaded (numbered 0 to 7). If you attempt to load a font that is larger than available
memory or attempt to load more than 8 fonts, the font loading command will not load the
Note • The Toolbox application can be used to load new firmware.
Erase all Fonts
1B 26 43 Hex
27 38 67 decimal
Erase Fonts 4 to 7
1B 26 44 Hex
27 38 68 decimal
Reset Parameter Profile
1B 26 46 hex
27 38 70 decimal