P1048261-004 8/22/12
how to set as head-close action, 85
how to set as power-up action, 84
liability, 2
Liner Take-Up mode
description and media path, 53
how to select, 81
select print mode through user menu, 21
load defaults
how to load printer or print server defaults, 86
user menu item, 30
ways to initiate, 86
user menu item, 25
location for printer, 45
lubrication, 124
MAC address
user menu item, 29
ways to view, 90
manual calibration
media/ribbon cal user menu item
SENSORS menu, 34
TOOLS menu, 25
procedure, 98
ways to initiate, 87
maximum label length, 82
black mark, 38
continuous roll media, 39
fanfold, 39
non-continuous roll media, 38
ordering, 11
perforated, 38
tag stock, 38
types of media, 38
web, 38
media door, 14
MEDIA OUT message, 134
media scratch test, 40
media sensor
sensor type user menu item, 34
ways to select, 95
media sensor calibration
media/ribbon cal user menu item
SENSORS menu, 34
TOOLS menu, 25
procedure, 98
ways to initiate, 87
media type
how to select, 79
user menu item, 20
melted ribbon, 132
misregistration of labels, 130
missing print on labels, 129
navigation, 18
network configuration label
user menu item, 30
ways to print, 83
network settings
load defaults
user menu item, 30
ways to initiate, 86
reset network
user menu item, 30
ways to reset, 91
how to set as head-close action, 85
how to set as power-up action, 84
non-continuous media
described, 38
problem with labels, 139
selecting media type, 79
operating conditions, 45
ordering replacement parts, 124
ordering ribbon and media, 11
OUT OF MEMORY message, 137
parallel port
characteristics of parallel connection, 47
specifications, 152
user menu item, 36
ways to set, 96
PAUSE button
FEED and PAUSE self test, 147
PAUSE self test, 143
ZT210 printer control panel, 16
ZT220 printer control panel, 16
ZT230 printer control panel, 15
Peel-Off mode
cleaning peel-off assembly, 116
description and media path, 53
how to select, 81
select print mode through user menu, 21