5. For safe operation
Before using this product, please read this Operator's
Manual thoroughly to ensure correct operation. The fol-
lowing are precautions that should be observed in order
to use the product smoothly. Elsewhere in the Manual,
the warning mark is used to bring your attention to
these precautions.
• This product has been designed mainly for the pur-
pose of spraying pest control chemicals and
weedkillers. Please do not use it for any other pur-
pose, as this may cause unforeseen accidents.
• Since this product uses agricultural chemicals that
require careful operation, misuse can be dangerous.
Do not use this product when tired or otherwise in
poor physical condition, or when you may be unable
to judge correctly or operate accurately, such as after
taking cold relief medicines or drinking alcohol. Also,
children or persons who are unable to understand the
contents of this Manual should under no circum-
stances be permitted to use the product.
• The engine exhaust gas contains toxic carbon mon-
oxide. Please do not use the product indoors, in vinyl
houses or tunnels, or in other poorly ventilated places.
• Do not use this product in the following cases.
1. When the product could fall over or in other situations
when it is difficult to hold or operate.
2. After sunset or at other times when eyesight is poor
and the safety of the spraying area is difficult to as-
3. In worsening weather (rain, fog, strong wind, lightning,
• When using for the first time, before commencing
actual spraying please receive guidance in operat-
ing the product from a person with adequate experi-
• Fatigue reduces powers of concentration and in-
creases the risk
of accidents. When planning work, please allow ample
setting a limit of 30-40 minutes for single spraying
sessions and breaks of 10-20 minutes in between.
Also, do not spray for more than 2 hours in any one
• Please take good care of this Operator's Manual and
refer to it for additional information from time to time.
• When selling or lending this product, it should be ac-
companied by this Operator's Manual.
• Check to see if the shock-absorbing rubber mount
has become cracked or otherwise damaged. Note
that failing to replace this rubber mount when it has
become cracked or damaged may cause the engine
to come loose from its frame during use, thus result-
ing in possible serious bodily injury.
• If cracked, be sure to replace without delay.
1. If you don’t observe the working time, or working
manner, Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI) could occur.
If you feel discomfort, redness and swelling of your
fingers or any other part of your body, see a doctor
before getting worse.
2. To avoid noise complaints, in general, operate prod-
uct between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays and 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends.