2. Preparing to Shoot 2-2 Loading Film
3. Install the film take-up spool in the right hand film chamber, align-
ing the key-hole of the spool shaft of the camera. Push up the pro-
truding film spool shaft into the bottom plate of the camera until it
locks into position.
4. Load a fresh roll of film into the left hand film chambers as illustrat-
ed in the drawing. Ensure that the film leader rolls off the outer edge
as shown instead of the inside edge of the film chamber. The inside
black surface of the leader must face outward coming out of the
chamber. If it faces inward, roll back the film, turn the roll upside
down and then reload into the film chamber. Push the fresh film
spool into the bottom of the camera.
5. Roll out the film leader and insert the leading edge into the slit of
the take-up spool shaft as far as possible.
Note: When a take-up spool is already installed in the right-
hand film chamber, 2. and 3. procedures described above are
not necessary.
6. Advancing the film gradually with short repeated strokes of the
film advance lever, check if the film leader is skewed on the take-up
spool. When both film leader edges are evenly positioned between
spool flanges, the film is properly wound. If one leader edge is rolling
upward on one spool flange, remove the spools and roll back the film
leader entirely before reloading it correctly.
7. Once the film leader is properly secured in place, advance the film
further until the film arrows align with the film start marks on the
camera. Do not wind the film beyond the start marks.
Note: Do not get confused by the dotted line printed on the leader
paper of the 220 type of film right in front of the real starting arrow
mark for the start mark itself.