Prestige 2000W_V2 Quick Start Guide
5 Phonebook
Use the phonebook feature to store telephone numbers.
5.1 Calling Methods
The Prestige can dial a telephone number by using the SIP proxy server or an IP address.
Select Proxy to use your SIP account to have the SIP server make the connection. You do not have to
configure the host IP address and port.
Select P2P to make calls directly to the callee’s VoIP phone (IP to IP or peer-to-peer) or using a different SIP
server. You need to enter the IP address of the callee or another SIP proxy server as well as the callee’s
telephone number in the Prestige’s phonebook.
5.2 Adding a Phonebook Entry
Use the following instructions to add an entry to your phonebook.
Note: Only enter the host IP address and port when calls to this party need to use a different
SIP proxy server and/or you want to place a direct IP to IP call. Otherwise the telephone
number is sufficient to make your call
You must use a phonebook entry to make an IP to IP call.
6 Scroll to User Pwd and press the OK key.
1. Phone Number
2. Username
Select Back
7 Select a keypad mode and use the keypad to enter your password.
Press the OK key when you are done.
8 Press the Right key three times to save your settings and return to the main
screen. An hourglass appears on the LCD screen and the Prestige restarts.
User Pwd
Ok A 1@ Clear
3. User Pwd