
Chapter 7 Bridge Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
7.2 Command Examples
This example shows how to set up a bridge and save it.
1 First, use freememory to clear the working buffer.
2 Then specify which bridge to configure by selecting its index.
3 Set the name of the bridge.
4 Set the MAC address, IP address and number of the node.
5 Activate the bridge.
6 Display the new bridge configuration for checking.
7 Save your changes.
The following table describes the fields displayed using the display command in the
example above.
bridge stat set [mac-
Sets a route for the the bridge specified with the index command.
[mac-address]: The MAC address of the final destination.
[gateway-ip]: The IP address of the gateway. The gateway is both an
immediate neighbor of your ZyXEL device and also forwards the packet to
its destination.
On the LAN, the gateway must be a router on the same segment as your
ZyXEL device.
On the WAN, the gateway must be the IP address of one of the remote
[gateway-node]: The index number of the gateway for this static route.
Use wan node commands to find the index number of a node.
bridge stat save Saves the changes to the bridge’s configuration.
Table 17 Bridge Commands (continued)
ras> bridge stat freememory
ras> bridge stat index 1
ras> bridge stat name MyISP
Bridge StaticRoute Name= MyISP
ras> bridge stat set 00:13:49:34:56:78 1
ras> bridge stat active on
ras> bridge stat display
Route name = MyISP
active = on
Ether Address = 00:13:49:34:56:78
IP address =
Gateway node = 1
ras> bridge stat save
ip policyrouting set configurations save ok
Table 18 bridge stat display
Route The index number of the static route.
Route name A descriptive name for the bridge route. Use a string of up to 10 ASCII characters.