
P-2024 Quick Start Guide
6.2 Making a Call
V If you experience difficulty using an analog phone when there is another
device (such as an MDF) connected between the phone and the P-2024,
try connecting the phone directly to the Telco-50 cable jack.
1 Lift the phone’s receiver. If the phone port is correctly configured, you hear a dial tone
and the 1 analog phone port LED blinks.
2 Dial a number you know can be reached using this SIP account. If the SIP account is
correctly configured, the dial tone changes to the ringing tone.
Viewing a Product’s Certification(s)
1 Go to www.zyxel.com.
2 Select your product from the drop-down list box on the ZyXEL home
page to go to that product's page.
3 Select the certification you wish to view from this page.