O Remove shipping plug from water hflet valve,
O Install a 90° elbow (3/8" N,P.T)fitting h,to the water valve using Teflon r'_ tape
or pipe thread compound. The opposite end of"the fitth*g should fit h_-eoming hot
water supply line. Position the end of the elbow towards the rear of the dishwasher
IMPORTANT: DONOT connect a sweat type fitting directly to the water valve
as the required beat will damage the water inlet valve. Donot solder within 6"
(15.2 era) from the water valve.
CAUTION:With the door open, dishwasher may tip forward if
it is not se<ure in position to cabinet,
_} Dishwasher drain must bave a 32" (812) loop. Drain hose may be clippedto either skle of the disbwasber (see diagram A) It is preferred
_,:_:.. that the drain bose be routed high enough to provide the 32" loop.If a loop eammt be put in the installation, an air gap (not included)
may be used.
Diagram A
IMPORTANT: Routing of the drain hose ismost important to insure satisfactory operation. It isnot recommended
to extend drain line beyond 7' (2.1 m). Howevei; sbou[d this be necessary, it must always be attached to a hne
of larger inside diametel: An accessory drain hose extension kit (#904204) is available through your autborized
dealel: DONOTroute drain hose across the top of the tub, all bends must be gradual to prevent kinking or
co!lapsing of the hose,
IMPORTANT: Drain bose may change position even after installation, Toinsure proper operation, secure hose
to either side of cabinet wail, or to rob with bose dip (provided) to assure a 32" loop. Make certain there are
no kinks.
(Shleview of dishwasher)
IMPORTANT: I)o not attach the drain bose to any connection smaller than 1/2" I.D.
IMPORTANT: Never cut the corrugated portion of drain hose. All connections
must be made to rubber portions of drain hose. If cutting of drain bose isrequired,
do not cut past the 5/8" line.
-- .............. \
Mtflti flex Drain Hose
A 5/8" (1.6 era) LD (Inside Diameter) x 7 ft. (2.1 m) corrugated drain hose is positioned
on side of dishwasher tub.
Drain hose connection can be located on either Mdeof compartment. Elevate drain hose
to a height of at least 32" (81 era) above the f'loox: If drain connection is to be made
below the floor; bose sbouM be left in the looped position. It may be necessary to extend
drain bose for connection. DONOTreduce the drain hose to less than 1/2" (1.3 cm) I.D.
(Inside Diameter).
_1_ With the door latched, position dishwasher h*front of cabinet opening. Insert
drain bose through the opening provided_
Guidedisbwasher into the cabinet, puHh_gdrah_ hose through opening as you
proceed. Make sure drain bose is not kinked.