5. Carefully pull out blower unit. Wires extend far
enough to allow blower adjustments.
6. Roll blower unit so blades face towards front of
microwave oven. Wires should be routed in front of
motor frame.
7. Guide wires into duct while placing blower unit back
into opening.
8. Replace blower plate using 5 screws.
9. Remove 2 screws on front of grille. Remove grille.
10. Install charcoal filter. (Contact dealer to purchase
charcoal filter kit).
11. Replace grille and 2 screws.
12. Proceed to "Preparing Top Cabinet".
C. Preparing Top Cabinet
1. Read instructions on top cabinet template.
2. Tape template underneath top cabinet.
3. Drill holes, following instructions on template.
D. Mounting Bracket Assembly to Wall
Microwave oven needs to be mounted against and
supported by flat, vertical wall. Wall construction should be
minimum of 2 inch x 4 inch wall studding and 3/8 inch or
more, thick drywall or plaster/lath. Microwave oven must
be attached to minimum of one 2 inch x 4 inch wall stud.
To avoid product failure, do not pull,
stretch, or pinch blower wiring.