Diagnostic Screen
The diagnostic screen is accessible
by touching the Alarms enunciator.
When an alarm is present, the alarm
enunciator is present next to the Stop
key. A flashing “alarm” indicates a
machine shutdown and a non
flashing “alarm” indicates an
informational message.
Machine shutdowns can be of two
Latching - Machine Shutdown
Manual Reset Required (MMR)
Non-Latching - Machine Shutdown
Auto Reset (MAR)
Latching (MMR) require corrective
action and manual reset.
Non-Latching (MAR) will restart
automatically when condition
corrects itself.
There are over 200 potential
messages, too numerous to
incorporate in this manual.
Up to ten active diagnostics can be
displayed if required.
The reason for all diagnostics must
be determined and corrected. Do not
reset and restart the chiller as this
can cause a repeat failure. Contact
local Trane Service for assistance as
After corrective action, the chiller can
be reset and/or restarted. In the case
of “Unit Shutdown - Reset Required”
diagnostic types, the chiller will have
to be manually reset through the
Diagnostics alarm menu.
When reset they become historic and
viewable via the service tool
Performing a Reset All Active
Diagnostics will reset all active
diagnostics regardless of type,
machine or refrigerant circuit.
A Manual Override indicator (shares
space with the Alarms key) alerts the
operator to the presence of a manual
override. An Alarm will take
precedence over any manual
override, until the reset of active
alarms, at which point the Manual
indicator would reappear if such an
override exists.
Temperature settings can be
expressed in F or C, depending on
Display Units settings.
Dashes (“- - - -”) appearing in a
temperature or pressure report,
indicates that the value is invalid or
not applicable.
The languages for DynaView
reside in the main processor. The
main processor will hold three
languages, English, and two alternate
languages. The service tool
) will load the main
processor with user selected
languages from a list of available
translations. Whenever possible,
complete words will be used on the
persistent keys as described.