Creating a new document
1Double-click the Apple Draw icon.
A new document appears. Apple Draw is an example of a container part—a
part that’s capable of accepting other parts. You can create a document by
double-clicking the icon for any container part.
Note that all parts have their own unique qualities, including different tool
palettes and menus. The tool palette that appears when you open Apple Draw
are for working in your Apple Draw document.
2 Draw a simple picture using Apple Draw’s drawing tools.
You create and select shapes just as you would in an ordinary drawing
Adding more graphics to your document
1 Drag the icon for a graphics file into your Apple Draw document.
If you don’t have a graphics file handy, choose Scrapbook from the Apple (K)
menu. Drag a picture from the Scrapbook into your document.
A picture appears in the document. This picture is a part.
When you drag a graphic into a container, the graphic is automatically
displayed by the Apple Image Viewer. (You have similar viewers for
displaying QuickTime 3-D images and QuickTime movies.)
2Drag another graphic into your document. (You can drag an image from the Scrapbook.)