35/35 EN
Refrgerator / User Manual
• The ground s not level or durable. >>> If the product s shakng when moved
slowly, adjust the stands to balance the product. Also make sure the ground s
suffcently durable to bear the product.
• Any tems placed on the product may cause nose. >>> Remove any tems
placed on the product.
The product is making noise of liquid flowing, spraying etc.
• The product’s operatng prncples nvolve lqud and gas flows. >>> Ths s
normal and not a malfuncton.
There is sound of wind blowing coming from the product.
• The product uses a fan for the coolng process. Ths s normal and not a
There is condensation on the product's internal walls.
• Hot or humd weather wll ncrease cng and condensaton. Ths s normal and
not a malfuncton.
• The doors were opened frequently or kept open for long perods. >>> Do not
open the doors too frequently; f open, close the door.
• The door may be ajar. >>> Fully close the door.
There is condensation on the product's exterior or between the doors.
• The ambent weather may be humd, ths s qute normal n humd weather. >>>
The condensaton wll dsspate when the humdty s reduced.
The interior smells bad.
• The product s not cleaned regularly. >>> Clean the nteror regularly usng
sponge, warm water and carbonated water.
• Certan holders and packagng materals may cause odour. >>> Use holders and
packagng materals wthout free of odour.
• The foods were placed n unsealed holders. >>> Keep the foods n sealed
holders. Mcroorgansms may spread out of unsealed food tems and cause
• Remove any expred or spolt foods from the product.
The door is not closing.
• Food packages may be blockng the door. >>> Relocate any tems blockng the
• The product s not standng n full uprght poston on the ground. >>> Adjust
the stands to balance the product.
• The ground s not level or durable. >>> Make sure the ground s level and
suffcently durable to bear the product.
The vegetable bin is jammed.
• The food tems may be n contact wth the upper secton of the drawer. >>>
Reorganze the food tems n the drawer.
WARNING: If the problem perssts after followng the nstructons n ths
secton, contact your vendor or an Authorzed Servce. Do not try to repar the