Instructons for safety and envronment
7/35 EN
Refrgerator / User Manual
Ths product has been
manufactured wth hgh
qualty parts and materals
whch can be reused and
are sutable for recyclng.
Do not dspose of the
waste product wth normal
domestc and other wastes at the
end of ts servce lfe. Take t to the
collecton center for the recyclng of
electrcal and electronc equpment.
Please consult your local authortes
to learn about these collecton
1.5. Compliance with
RoHS Directive
• Ths product comples wth EU
WEEE Drectve (2011/65/EU).
It does not contan harmful and
prohbted materals specfed n
the Drectve.
1.6. Package
• Packagng materals of the product
are manufactured from recyclable
materals n accordance wth our
Natonal Envronment Regulatons.
Do not dspose of the packagng
materals together wth the
domestc or other wastes. Take
them to the packagng materal
collecton ponts desgnated by the
local authortes.