Bunn TB6Q Coffeemaker User Manual

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A troubleshooting guide is provided to suggest probable causes and remedies for the most likely problems
encountered. If the problem remains after exhausting the troubleshooting steps, contact the Bunn-O-Matic
Technical Service Department.
• Inspection,testing,andrepairofelectricalequipmentshouldbeperformedonlybyqualiedserviceperson-
• Allelectroniccomponentshave120voltacandlowvoltagedcpotentialontheirterminals.Shortingof
terminals or the application of external voltages may result in board failure.
• Intermittentoperationofelectroniccircuitboardsisunlikely.Boardfailurewillnormallybepermanent.If
an intermittent condition is encountered, the cause will likely be a switch contact or a loose connection at a
terminal or crimp.
• Solenoidremovalrequiresinterruptingthewatersupplytothevalve.Damagemayresultifsolenoidsare
energized for more than ten minutes without a supply of water.
• Theuseoftwowrenchesisrecommendedwheneverplumbingttingsaretightenedorloosened.Thiswill
help to avoid twists and kinks in the tubing.
• Makecertainthatallplumbingconnectionsaresealedandelectricalconnectionstightandisolated.
• Thisbrewerisheatedatalltimes.Keepawayfromcombustibles.
WARNING • Exerciseextremecautionwhenservicingelectricalequipment.
• Unplugthebrewerwhenservicing,exceptwhenelectricaltestsarespecied.
• Followrecommendedserviceprocedures
• Replaceallprotectiveshieldsorsafetynotices
Brew cycle will not start
1. No water
2. No power or incorrect voltage
to the brewer
Water lines and valves to the
brewer must be open.
(A1) Check the wire crimps for
120 volts across the black and
white terminals on two wire 120
volt brewers.
(A2) Check the wire crimps for
200 volts on "B Series" brewers
or 230 volts on "A Series" brew-
ers across the red and black
(B) Check circuit breakers or
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