Preparing to Brew
A Inserting the Charcoal water lter
Your appliance is supplied with two charcoal water lters. Before using your coffeemaker, we highly recom-
mend that you insert one to remove impurities from your water, improving water quality and ultimately the
avour of your coffee.
ß Remove the lter from its packaging and soak in cold tap water for 15 minutes.
ß Lift the lid of the coffee maker and you will nd the charcoal water lter holder located at the back on the
left of your appliance. To remove, simply lift it up and out from its compartment.
ß Holding the stem of the water lter holder in one hand use your other hand to gently press the lter holder
door down and pull outwards to ip open.
ß Place the lter in the holder and close the compartment cover; you will hear a snap indicating lter is in place.
N.B. Caution must be used when inserting the charcoal lter. Improper placement in the holder can cause
tearing of the lter skin.
ß Hold the lter under cold running tap water for 10 seconds to ush. Hold the water lter holder horizon-
tally, directly under the water stream so that the water ows through the lter compartment.
ß Allow the lter to drain completely.
ß Replace the water lter holder to its compartment in the coffeemaker, pushing it all the way down to the
base of the unit.