Dualit GB 04/06 Mixer User Manual

Unctuous and smooth, mayonnaise is
a classic summer accompaniment for
fish and seafood dishes and for
enriching salads.
33 eegggg yyoollkkss
11 ttbbsspp wwiinnee vviinneeggaarr oorr lleemmoonn jjuuiiccee
½½ ttsspp ssaalltt
½½ ttsspp FFrreenncchh mmuussttaarrdd
228855mmll -- 443300mmll ((½½ -
- ¾¾ ppiinntt)) oolliivvee
ooiill,, ssuunnfflloowweerr ooiill oorr aa mmiixxttuurree ooff
eeaacchh,, wwhhiicchh sshhoouulldd ffeeeell wwaarrmm ttoo
tthhee ttoouucchh nnoott ffrroomm aa ccoolldd llaarrddeerr
ssaalltt aanndd ffrreesshhllyy mmiilllleedd ppeeppppeerr
Pour some hot water into your
mixing bowl and put in the eggs,
in their shells, to warm while you
assemble the ingredients
Drain and dry the bowl and
separate the eggs. Using the
beaters, whisk the yolks for about
2 minutes at high speed until pale
and sticky, adding the vinegar or
lemon juice, salt and mustard as
you go
Slow the speed and start to trickle
in the oils – this is easiest poured
from a jug. Let each drop be
absorbed before adding the next
When half the oil has been
incorporated, the rest can be
added a little faster - by the
Add salt and pepper to taste
Store in sealed jar in the fridge
until required
Using the balloon whisk, beat the
butter until white and fluffy
Stir in the zest, and enough salt,
lime juice and Tabasco to give it a
good flavour
Scrape it out of the bowl, and lay
in a straight line, approximately
12cm (5 inches) long, on
aluminium foil
Roll the foil round the lime butter,
to form a sausage.Twist the ends
like a toffee wrapper
Store in the freezer in a plastic
To take a slice, cut through the foil
with a hot knife into nice rounds,
½ cm thick (just under ¼ inch)
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