• Grease the tin with butter and line
base and sides with baking
parchment. Break up the
chocolate and melt into the milk
and vanilla in a bowl placed over a
pan of barely simmering water.
In a separate bowl cream together
the butter and sugar, using the
beaters (see The Creaming
Process, page 14)
• Add the egg yolks one at a time,
beating well between each
addition. At a slower speed, gently
beat in the melted chocolate
mixture. Sieve the rice, flour and
baking powder, and mix in slowly.
Using the balloon whisk, whisk the
egg whites until stiff (see Whisking
Egg Whites, page 12). Fold into
the mixture and then pour into
the tin
• Bake in the centre of the oven for
1¾ hours, or until the middle is
spongy to the touch and a skewer
comes out clean. Cool in the tin
A great cake, easy to cut and serve.
Iced with sour cream and chocolate
Icing it befits a special occasion.
222255gg ((88oozz)) ppllaaiinn ggoooodd qquuaalliittyy
cchhooccoollaattee,, bbrrookkeenn iinnttoo ssqquuaarreess
aa lliittttllee mmiillkk
11 ttsspp vvaanniillllaa eesssseenncce
222255gg ((88oozz)) bbuutttteerr
117755gg ((66oozz)) ccaasstteerr ssuuggaarr
44 eeggggss,, yyoollkkss && wwhhiitteess sseeppaarraatteedd
5555gg ((22oozz)) ggrroouunndd rriiccee
200gg ((44oozz)) ppllaaiinn fflloouurr
11 ttsspp bbaakkiinngg ppoowwddeerr
aa lliittttllee bbuutttteerr
aa ddeeeepp,, 2200ccmm ((88 iinncchh)) ccaakkee ttiinn
• Preheat oven to 175C/350F/M3
This easy icing has a wonderful
gloss, and makes pretty decorations
when used with a piping bag.
224400gg ((88¾
¾ oozz)) ppllaaiinn,, ggoooodd qquuaalliittyy
220000mmll ((77ffll oozz)) ssoouurr ccrreeaamm oorr
ccrrèèmmee ffrraaiicchhee
• Melt the chocolate in a bowl
Remove from the heat and cool a
little. Using the beaters on a slow
speed, whisk in the sour cream,
giving the mixture time to darken
and shine As soon as it is firm
enough to spread, smooth over
the cake with a table knife
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