7Important safety instructions
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
Do not lean or swing on the oven door. Do not play with the oven or use it as a toy.
Children should be taught all important safety instructions: use of pot holders,
careful removal of food coverings; paying special attention to packaging (e.g. self-
heating materials) designed to make food crisp, as they may be extra hot.
Other warnings
NNeevveerr mmooddiiffyy tthhee oovveenn iinn aannyy wwaayy..
TThhiiss oovveenn iiss ffoorr hhoommee ffoooodd pprreeppaarraattiioonn oonnllyy aanndd mmaayy oonnllyy bbee uusseedd ffoorr ccooookkiinngg
ffoooodd.. IItt iiss nnoott ssuuiittaabbllee ffoorr ccoommmmeerrcciiaall oorr llaabboorraattoorryy uussee..
To promote trouble-free use of your oven and avoid damage
Never operate the oven when it is empty except where recommended in the
operation manual, see page 16 note 2. Doing so may damage the oven.
When using a browning dish or self-heating material, always place a heat-resistant
insulator such as a porcelain plate under it to prevent damage to the turntable and
turntable support due to heat stress. The preheating time specified in the dish’s
instructions must not be exceeded.
Do not use metal utensils, which reflect microwaves and may cause electrical
arcing. Do not put cans in the oven.
Only use the turntable and the turntable support designed for this oven. Do not
operate the oven without the turntable.
To prevent the turntable from breaking:
a) Before cleaning the turntable with water, leave the turntable to cool.
b) Do not put hot foods or hot utensils on a cold turntable.
c) Do not put cold foods or cold utensils on a hot turntable.
Do not place anything on the outer cabinet during operation.
Do not use plastic containers for microwaving if the oven is still hot from using the
GRILL mode, DUAL GRILL mode and AUTOMATIC operation, because they may melt.
Plastic containers must not be used during above modes unless the container
manufacturer says they are suitable.
you are unsure how to connect your oven, please consult an authorised, qualified
Neither the manufacturer nor the dealer can accept any liability for damage to the
oven or personal injury resulting from failure to observe the correct electrical
connection procedure.
Water vapour or drops may occasionally form on the oven walls or around the door
seals and sealing surfaces. This is a normal occurrence and is not an indication of
microwave leakage or a malfunction.