Emerson MW8119SB Microwave Oven User Manual

Guide for Cooking Fresh Vegetables
Nutrition research indicates that many microwaved vegetables and fruits lose less water soluble vitamin C
than when cooked conventionally. This is due to shorter cooking time and to the fact that less cooking water is
needed when microwaving fruits and vegetables. Best of all, vegetables keep their fresh color, texture and
flavor. Vegetables should be microwaved covered with a microwaveable cover, or a casserole lid. Vegetables
cooked in their skins, such as potatoes, are already so tightly covered that they should be pricked with a fork
before cooking in order to release excess steam. To assure even cooking, vegetables should be Cut in
uniform pieces end stirred during the cooking time. Always add salt to water before adding vegetables,
Reduce time a minute or two for crisp-tender texture, Increase time for very_soft texture. Remember to allow
standing time of two to five minutes after cooking, because as most foods do, vegetables wilt continue to cook
after they are removed from the microwave oven.
Food Water Cook on Standing Special Notes
Amount Power 10 Time
Spears (lib) 1/4 cup 5 -7 rain. 2 rain. Medium Casserole. Re-
Cuts (11b)1/2 cup 5 - 6 rain. 2-1/2 min. arrange once.
Fresh green (1/2Ib) 1/4 cup 5 - 7 min. 2 min. Stir twice.
Frozen green (1/21b) 2 Tbsp 6 - 7 rain, 2 rain. Stir twice.
Green Peas (2 cups) 1/4 cup 4 -6-1/2 rain. 2 rain. Small casserole. Stir twice,
Broccoli (2 cups) 1/4 cup 4 - 6-1/2 rain. 2 rain, Medium casserole,
Rearrange once during cooking.
Brussels Sprouts (11b) t/4 cup 7 - 8 rain. 2 -3 rain. Medium casserole. Stir once.
Cabbage (ltb) 1/4 cup 6 - 7-1/2 rain. 2 -5 rain. Rearrange once during cooking.
Cauliflower pieces (1 head) 1/4 cup 6- 7=1/2 min. 2 - 5 rain. Cover with a microwaveable cover.
Stir once.
Mushroom slices (1/21b) 2 Tbsp 4 - 6- min. 2 - 3 rain. Small casserole. Stir once.
Guide for Cooking Soups
Satisfy appetites with savory soups prepared in your microwave oven. Follow our recipes for homemade
soups and stews or adapt your favorites by using similar cooking times and techniques.
Food Power Cooking Time Standing Special Notes
Level Time
Canned Condensed
Cream style, Bean, Pea
or Mushroom (10 1/2 -
11 1/2 oz)
With Water 100 5 -6 rain. 2 - 3 rain. Stir halfway through
With Milk 80 5 - 7-1/2 rain. 2 - 3 rain. cooking time. Cover.
Dry Soup Mix 100 5 - 8rain. 2 -3 rain. Add water.
then Cover with lid.
1 envelope (10 1/2 oz) 60 2-1/2 - 4 min. Stir twice.
Broth (10 1/2 oz) 1O0 4 - 5-1/2 min. 2 _3 rain. Stir twice. Cover