ActiveSmart™ models
635mm wide E331T, E372B, E381T, E402B, E411T, E415H
680mm wide E406B, E413T, E440T, E442B
790mm wide E521T, E522B, RF522W, RF522A
Cyclic and Compact models
525mm wide P120, E169T, C170T, C190, E240B, E249T, C270
635mm wide C373, C450, E373, E450
Vertical freezer models
525mm wide E150, E210
635mm wide E308, E388
Chest freezer models
Slimline H215, H275, H320
Standard H160, H220, H280, H360, H510, H701
This User Guide is to be used for all refrigerator/freezers. It contains all the general
information required for the operation of your refrigerator/freezer.
A User Guide is provided with the Ice & Water refrigerator. This booklet contains
additional specific information about the ice and water functions on the refrigerator.