Classification of Parameters
The parameters, as well as being divided into type, are also grouped into logical categories identified by the initial
letters or symbols of such parameters. The following table lists the categorise and the corresponding letters.
Parameter Category Text Icon
Temperature probe parameters ‘Pro’
Temperature control parameters ‘CtL’
Compressor safety time and activation parameters ‘CMP’
Defrost parameters ‘dEF’
Alarm parameters ‘ALM
Fan parameters ‘Fan’
H Configuration
General configuration parameters (addresses, enabling, etc….) ‘CnF’
HACCP parameters ‘HcP’
RTC parameters ‘rtc’
Parameter Settings
The highlighted section indicate the Foster settings
No Code Parameter
Unit of
Default FHG2l FHG3L
1 /2 Measurement stability - 4 4 4
2 /3 Probe display reaction - 0 0 0
3 /4 Virtual probe - 0 0 0
4 /5 Select °C or °F flag 0 0 0
5 /6 Decimal point flag 0 0 0
6 /tI Display on internal terminal - 1 1 1
7 /tE Display on external terminal - 0 0 0
8 /P Select type of probe - 0 0 0
9 /A2 Configuration of probe 2 - 2 2 2
10 /A3 Configuration of probe 3 - 0 0 0
11 /A4 Configuration of probe 4 - 0 0 0
12 /C1 Calibration of probe 1 °C/°F 0.0 0.0 0.0
13 /C2 Calibration of probe 2 °C/°F 0.0 0.0 0.0
14 /C3 Calibration of probe 3 °C/°F 0.0 0.0 0.0
15 /C4 Calibration of probe 4 °C/°F 0.0 0.0 0.0
16 St Temperature set point °C/°F 0.0 0.0 0.0
17 rd Controller differential °C/°F 2.0 4.0 4.0
18 r1 Minimum SET allowed °C/°F -50 -26 -26
19 r2 Maximum SET allowed °C/°F 60 -15 -15
20 r3 Operating mode flag 0 0 0
21 r4 Automatic night time set point variation °C/°F 3.0 3.0 3.0
22 r5 Enable temperature monitoring flag 0 0 0
23 rt Temperature monitoring interval hours - - -
24 rH Maximum temperature read °C/°F - - -
25 rL Minimum temperature read °C/°F - - -
26 c0 Compressor and fan start delay at start up min 0 0 0
27 c1 Minimum time between successive starts min 0 1 1
28 c2 Minimum compressor OFF time min 0 0 0
29 c3 Minimum compressor ON time min 0 0 0
30 c4 Duty Setting min 0 80 80
31 cc Continuous cycle duration hours 0 0 0
32 c6 Alarm bypass after continuous cycle hours 2 2 2
33 c7 Maximum pump down (PD) time min 0 0 0
34 c8 Compressor start delay after opening PD valve sec 5 5 5