Frymaster CMIII.5 Fryer User Manual

Boil Feature (cont.)
4. Enter
(1 6 5 3) in that sequence. The right display will read . The
temperature is automatically set for 195°F (91°C). The fryer will attain this temperature and
remain there until either switch is pressed, which cancels the boil-out mode. In high-altitude
locations, constantly monitor the fryer for boil-over conditions. If boil over occurs, turn off fryer
immediately, allow to cool, and re-enter boil-out mode.
Fryer Recovery Time Check
1. To check recovery time, press the switch. will appear in the left display.
3. Enter
(1 6 5 2) in that sequence. The recovery time will appear in both
displays for 5 seconds.
Temperature Selection—Fahrenheit to Celsius
1. To change the computer temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius or Celsius to Fahrenheit, press
either switch.
2. Press the switch. will appear in the left display.
3. Enter
(1 6 5 8) in that sequence. The computer will automatically convert the
temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius or Celsius to Fahrenheit.
4. Press the switch to display the temperature in the newly selected mode.
Constant Oil Temperature Display Mode
1. To program constant temperature display, press the switch.
2. Press the switch. will appear in the left display.
3. Enter
(1 6 5 L) in that sequence. The cooking oil/shortening temperature will
display constantly in the right display on a full-pot and in both displays on a split-pot.
NOTE: During the product cooking process, the cooking time will not be displayed but timing will
be taking place.
4. To remove the constant oil-temperature display and display the cooking time, repeat Step 2 and
Step 3.