Garland MP-GS Oven User Manual

Part # MPSM07 (03/24/08)Page 32
Preheat the oven thoroughly (approx. 20 minutes) before use.
As a general rule, the temperature should be reduced 25°
to 50°F from that used in a standard/conventional oven.
Cooking time may also be shorter. Close monitoring of the
rst batch of each product prepared is recommended.
Cooking times and temperatures will vary depending upon
such factors load size, mixture of products, moisture level,
density and initial temperature of products.
Keep a record of the times, temperature and load sizes you
establish for various products. This information will be useful
for succeeding loads.
When practical, start cooking the lowest temperature product
rst and gradually work up to the higher temperatures.
If you nd that your previous temperature setting is more
than 10° higher than needed for succeeding loads, press the
“COOL DOWN” switch and open the doors slightly to reach
the desired cooking temperature.
When loading the oven, work as quickly as possible to
prevent loss of heat.
The oven will continue to heat after the timer has expired.
Product should be removed from the oven as soon as possible
to avoid overcooking.
Center pans on racks and load each shelf evenly to allow for
proper air/moisture circulation within the oven cavity.
When baking, weigh or measure the product in each pan to
promote even cooking.
When cooking with six pans, use rack positions 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
and 12, starting from the top.
Do not overload the oven. Six pans are suggested for most
items, i.e.: cakes, cookies, rolls, etc. However, the maximum
(13 pans) may be use for sh sticks, chicken nuggets, and
hamburgers. Cooking times may have to be adjusted.
Mun pans should be placed in the oven back to front or
with the short side of the pans facing the front to promote
even baking.
Use pan extenders or two-inch deep 18” x 26” pans for batter
type products which weigh more than eight pounds.
Never place anything directly on the bottom of the oven
cavity. This will obstruct airow and drainage, causing uneven
“Flex Time,” a patented feature of the programmable control,
monitors the cooking progress of the oven’s contents and
may adjust the cook time longer or shorter to produce the
best result.
About Moisture Presets
The Bread setting injects moisture only during the rst 6
cycles of the baking period. Other settings inject moisture
throughout the cook time.
Your actual recipe or desired results may require more or less
moisture than the recommended presets apply.
Other than Bread, the Meat setting provides the least amount
of moisture overall. The Poultry preset injects more than
Meat, with the Fish setting applying the highest total amount
of moisture.
For best results, you may want to experiment with the
settings. The presets also provide a useful starting point when
experimenting to nd desired moisture settings for other