Garland MP-GS Oven User Manual

Part # MPSM07 (03/24/08)Page 6
Congratulations! You have just purchased the latest in cooking technology, the new moisture+
from Garland.
Garland is an established leader in innovative oven technology, and has manufactured this multifunction oven with the
operator in mind. The moisture+
provides function not previously available in a convection oven. Your moisture+
will operate
as three pieces of equipment: a convection oven, a humidi ed baking oven, and a humidi ed cook & hold oven. Additionally,
the optional wet-clean water spray attachment allows you to easily spray down the oven interior during cleaning. Garland,
long known for o ering the “best baking” convection ovens available, adds the moisture+ to its model line to provide you, the
user with, a workhorse oven that will provide years of useful service.
Like any other  ne, precision built appliance, your moisture+
oven should be given regular care and maintenance. Periodic
inspection by your dealer or a quali ed service agency is recommended. When corresponding with the factory or your local
authorized factory service center regarding service problems or replacement parts, be sure to refer to the particular oven by
the correct model number, (including the pre x/su x letters and numbers), and the warranty serial number. The rating plate
a xed to the oven contains this information.