Client: AirLux (Wal*Mart)
Project: 169169
Language: EN
Date: 29.12.2007
Version: 09
Page: 15 (of 18 pages)
Barcode: 690 5020 10 000 6 00226
8) 1 Small Onion
9) ½ Cup White Wine
10) 6 TBSP Olive Oil
• Drain whole tomatoes
• Place the tomatoes in the blender jar. Make sure that the tomatoes are evenly
distributed in the jar.
• Place Garlic, Parsley, Oregano, Salt and Black Pepper in the jar next.
• Cut onion into eighths and put into jar. Remove outer layer of onion before placing
in the jar.
• Add white wine and 6 TBSP Olive Oil.
• Turn unit on and press salsa function button.
• After the blender stops place ingredients in a sauce pan and simmer for 20
Oreo Milk Shake Treat
1) 1/2 Cup Milk
2) 1 TSP Vanilla Extract
3) 2 TBSP Sugar (Sweeten to taste)
4) 2 Cups of Vanilla Ice Cream
5) 1 Cup Oreo Cookies (Whole)
• Place Ingredients in blender jar in order given above.
• Do not pack the ice cream to tight. Liquids should be able to flow through the ice
• Turn unit on and press the high speed function button. Set speed to whip. Run until
ingredients are completely mixed.
• Thicken treat by adding more ice cream after ingredients have been blended. Be
sure to stop unit before adding ice cream. Thicken shake to preference. Limit ice
cream to no more than 3 cups per batch.
Heath Bar Milk Shake Treat
1) 1/2 Cup Milk
2) 1 TSP Vanilla Extract
3) 2 TBSP Sugar (Sweeten to taste)