Fill the Dual
Detergent Dispenser
This dispenser has two sections (one covered)
because some cycles include two washes. Use
the following chart as a guide for the amount
of detergent to use.
The Dual Detergent Dispenser is located in-
side the dishwasher door.
Add detergent to cups as recommended below
and swing cover closed on the ALL WASH
Your local water department or area water softener company can tell you the hardness of your water.
(O-3 grains hardness)
(4-9 grains)
(10-15 grains)’
Normal Cycle
Use both the main and
Fill both the main
Fill both the main and
extra cups 1 tablespoon
and extra cups 1/2 full
extra cups completely
Short Cycle
Use main cup only 1
Fill the main cup
Fill the main cup completely
tablespoon minimum. only 1/2 full
Detergent brands have varying amounts of phos-
phates. Phosphate is a water softening ingredi-
ent in detergents which can help prevent hard
water minerals from forming spots or films on
dishes, glasses, etc. You may need to increase
detergent when the phosphate content is low
(8.79’o or less) and the water is hard (10 grains
or more). Read the detergent package label di-
rectly under the pouring spout, to find the phos-
phate content.
IMPORTANT: Do not put detergent into the
dispenser until you’re ready to wash dishes.
Fresh, dry detergent is necessary for best wash-
ing results. REMEMBER: Use only detergents
designed for automatic dishwashers.
“Extremely Hard (15 grains and up). Water softener is
recommended; detergent alone may not be enough. In
extreme conditions, lime may build up over time in the
water valve, causing it to stick open and possibly flood
if a water softener is not