F-801 Internal RO System by GE Osmonics
12552e - 27 Feb 04 5- 11 Troubleshooting
4. Waste pressure too low.
a. Adjust pump settings.
5. Product flow too high.
a. See 5.8
6. Membrane scaled or fouled.
a. Verify condition of pretreatment equipment.
b. See membrane cleaning procedure in this manual.
7. Erroneous meter readout.
a. Verify water quality with independent meter.
b. See 5.12.7
c. TDS water probe wire disconnected or loose.
d. Replace TDS water sensor probe.
e. Replace thermistor.
f. Replace monitor circuit board.
8. Membrane failure.
a. Replace membrane.
9. Change in feed water TDS.
a. Verify feed and product water quality with independent meter.
b. Communicate with municipal water plant.
c. Softener problem, rinsing out high levels of salt.
10. Normal membrane rejection decline (over time).
a. Perform AAMI water lab analysis.
b. Replace membrane if indicated by analysis.
5.14 RO Fails to Draw Disinfectant
1. Pre-filter bowl leaking on vacuum.
a. Tighten bowl
b. Inspect and clean pre-filter bowl seal / replace seal.
c. Replace filter bowl
2. Disinfect line kinked or plugged.
a. Clear disinfect line.
3. Air leak on disinfect draw line.
a. Check that quick disconnect fitting is connected securely.
b. Check tube for cracks or holes.
c. Replace quick disconnect fitting.
4. Motor fails to turn on.
a. See 5.1