The Monogram Component Cooktop System offers the
ultimate in design and cooking flexibility, with modular
cooktops and accessories, providing a variety of cooking
technologies to meet the needs of the most discerning
“ Each component can be installed in many orientations
in the countertop.
“ Both gas and electric components can be combined
within the cooking configurations:
– Multiple electric components can operate from a
single junction box, if local codes permit.
– Multiple gas components can operate from a
manifold, as permitted by local codes.
- Updraft components can be vented according to
normal exhausting methods.
“ The downdraft grill or vent blower maybe oriented in
two directions—toward the rear or down as required.
Blower can be mounted to left or right side of vent
. Gas and halogen components are only 3-1 /4” deep,
allowing room for a drawer beneath in many cabinet
. Optional Remote Control Accessory Kit for downdraft
vent component is available for use when remote
control of blower is desired.
. Always choose cabinetry that enhances installation
“ Always consider option to shorten drawer for gas inlet
clearance. (To determine location of gas pipe, refer to
. Always anticipate that cabinet modification maybe
cutout illustration in “Design Information, Dimensions
required for European or other custom cabinetry.
and clearances. )
“ Always preplan electrical and gas connections to be
. Gas components cannot be converted to liquid
accessible at installation time.
. Always consider distance to power supply, cable
propane gas operation.
lengths and bending restrictions before cutting holes.
. Always preplan component locations before installa-
. If possible, don’t cut holes for remote mount vent
tion; determine need to reorient downdraft blower
control and ductwork locations until components are
discharge direction, or if blower will need to be
on-site, with countertop in place, and all preplanning
relocated to opposite side of vent housing. (Down-
locations are confirmed.
draft unit is shipped with blower mounted on left side
. Every downdraft vent and downdraft grill cooktop
of housing. )
must have a complete, separate duct run. Ducts from
“ Always consider how cooktop (and grease collection
different downdraft units cannot be combined.
jars) or downdraft vent housing affect cabinet type
. Do NOT install a downdraft vent behind a cooktop,
selection (especially drawers).
UNLESS you use accessory kit 3-AO1 Oto move the
. Always provide clearance for remote mount vent
control to the front of the cabinet.
control wiring box when installing on cabinet face
. Do NOT install a gas or grill cooktop where the knobs
between components, or other locations.
are between the heated area and the downdraft vent.
. Always anticipate base cabinet storage arrangements to .
Do NOT install an updraft grill cooktop next to a
accommodate downdraft blower and duct locations.
downdraft vent.
. Never vent a cooktop into an interior space–always
to outdoors.
. Do not install an updraft grill unless overhead vent
is 300 CFM or more.