60 Belt Drive SBE/SBS
Model SBE for exhaust — Model SBS for supply
Performance certified is for Models SBE/SBS for installation type A: free inlet, free outlet. Power rating (BHP) does not include transmission losses.
Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories).
Speed (RPM) shown is nominal. Performance is based on actual speed of test.
The sound ratings shown are loudness values in fan sones at 5 ft (1.5 m) in a hemispherical free field calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values are for installation
type A: free inlet hemispherical sone levels.
*Sones shown apply to the highest cataloged CFM in black type at each fan RPM. For selections at other CFM and static pressure points, refer to the CAPS
computerized selection program.
Model Number
CFM / Static Pressure in Inches WG
0.00 0.10 0.125 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.375 0.50 0.625 0.75 1.00
Level 2 Performance Max RPM L - 399 H - 521 Max Motor Frame Size - 215T TS = RPM x 15.691
SBE/SBS-2L60-15 1 1/2
219 0.99 11.8 29223
252 1.52 14.9 33627 26297
267 1.80 16.7 35628 28888 26731
SBE/SBS-2H60-15 1 1/2
285 0.98 19.3
25029 21665 20507 19031
328 1.50 23 28805 25931 25163 24307 21827
348 1.81 25 30561 27858 27152 26428 24458 21479
SBE/SBS-2L60-20 2
277 2.01 17.9 36963 30532 28569
294 2.41 20 39231 33280 31524 29592
SBE/SBS-2H60-20 2
361 2.01 26 31703 29065 28432 27734 25998 23625
383 2.41 28 33635 31095 30577 29920 28558 26588 23870
SBE/SBS-2L60-30 3
317 3.02 23 42300 36880 35324 33661
337 3.63 25 44969 39902 38533 37026 33664
SBE/SBS-2H60-30 3
415 3.01 31 36445 34024 33548 33054 31839 30400 28519
438 3.60 34 38465 36115 35664 35214 34128 32978 31354 28368
SBE/SBS-2L60-50 5
375 5.00 28 50040 45536 44345 43137 40410 37274
399 6.02 31 53242 49009 47929 46800 44361 41676 38401
SBE/SBS-2H60-50 5
489 5.00 42 42944 40718 40314 39911 39104 38087 37057 34972 29773
521 6.01 47 45754 43590 43208 42830 42072 41233 40266 38708 34835
Level 3 Performance Max RPM L - 503 H - 659 Max Motor Frame Size - 256T TS = RPM x 15.691
SBE/SBS-3L60-50 5
317 3.02 23 42300 36880 35324 33661
375 5.00 28 50040 45536 44345 43137 40410 37274
399 6.02 31 53242 49009 47929 46800 44361 41676 38401
SBE/SBS-3H60-50 5
415 3.01 31 36445 34024 33548 33054 31839 30400 28519
489 5.00 42 42944 40718 40314 39911 39104 38087 37057 34972 29773
521 6.01 47 45754 43590 43208 42830 42072 41233 40266 38708 34835
SBE/SBS-3L60-75 7 1/2
430 7.54 41 57379 53451 52469 51451 49333 46970 44412
457 9.05 56 60982 57286 56362 55438 53476 51359 49101 45184
SBE/SBS-3H60-75 7 1/2
559 7.51 51 49091 47075 46626 46274 45568 44862 44021 42669 39714 35627
595 9.00 56 52253 50358 49884 49518 48855 48192 47529 46261 43933 40629 35715
SBE/SBS-3L60-100 1 0
473 10.04 67 63117 59546 58653 57760 55891 53922 51775 48286
503 12.10 72 67120 63762 62923 62083 60374 58582 56644 53530
SBE/SBS-3H60-100 1 0
615 10.00 60 54009 52176 51718 51314 50673 50031 49389 48236 46188 43214 39510
659 12.00 70 57873 56163 55735 55307 54653 54054 53455 52537 50625 48395 45470
72 Belt Drive SBE/SBS
Model SBE for exhaust — Model SBS for supply
Level 3 Performance Max RPM L - 492 H - 559 Max Motor Frame Size - 256T TS = RPM x 18.802
SBE/SBS-3L72-30 3
236 2.00 17.5 41661 36581 34402 32305
271 3.02 20 47840 43440 42315 40635 36937
288 3.61 22 50841 46713 45654 44576 40999
SBE/SBS-3H72-30 3
266 2.00 24
40185 35934 34790 33352 29513
306 3.01 28 46228 42491 41629 40634 38280 35026
324 3.61 30 48947 45342 44616 43707 41829 39122 35680
SBE/SBS-3L72-50 5
321 5.05 26 56667 52986 52036 51086 48805 45604 42580
341 6.01 29 60197 56743 55852 54958 53170 50373 47427
SBE/SBS-3H72-50 5
362 5.04 35
54688 51305 50655 50006 48405 46723 44302 39813
387 6.03 39
58465 55195 54588 53980 52646 51074 49325 45737
SBE/SBS-3L72-75 7 1/2
367 7.52 33 64787 61577 60768 59938 58276 56442 53627 49588
391 9.03 38 69024 66011 65258 64489 62930 61371 59275 55346
SBE/SBS-3H72-75 7 1/2
414 7.52 43
62543 59374 58806 58238 57102 55698 54228 51410 44663
442 9.01 50
66773 63726 63155 62623 61559 60428 59051 56986 51688
SBE/SBS-3L72-100 1 0
405 10.01 41 71495 68587 67859 67128 65622 64117 62514 58687
430 12.10 45 75909 73169 72484 71799 70395 68977 67559 64603 58769
SBE/SBS-3H72-100 1 0
456 10.02 51
68888 65934 65321 64806 63775 62743 61437 59435 54874 47671
486 12.00 57
73421 70649 69956 69464 68496 67529 66500 64622 60962 55889
SBE/SBS-3L72-150 1 5
463 15.10 52 81734 79190 78554 77918 76637 75320 74003 72027 66649 61379
492 18.00 57 86854 84459 83861 83262 82065 80838 79599 77740 73537 68410
SBE/SBS-3H72-150 1 5
522 15.00 64
78859 76279 75633 75025 74124 73223 72322 70752 67837 63842 58785
559 18.10 75
84449 82039 81436 80834 79872 79030 78189 76927 74244 71276 67313
CFM values shown
in black are the most
efficient selections.
Values shown in gray
are not recommended.