24-30 Belt Drive SBCE/SBCS
Cast Aluminum
Model SBCE for exhaust — Model SBCS for supply
Performance certified is for Models SBCE/SBCS for installation type A: free inlet, free outlet. Power rating (BHP) does not include transmission losses.
Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories).
Speed (RPM) shown is nominal. Performance is based on actual speed of test.
The sound ratings shown are loudness values in fan sones at 5 ft (1.5 m) in a hemispherical free field calculated per AMCA Standard 301. Values are for installation
type A: free inlet hemispherical sone levels.
*Sones shown apply to the highest cataloged CFM in black type at each fan RPM. For selections at other CFM and static pressure points, refer to the CAPS
computerized selection program.
Model Number
CFM / Static Pressure in Inches WG
0.00 0.10 0.125 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.375 0.50 0.625 0.75 1.00
24 Performance Max RPM L - 1194 H - 1396 Max Motor Frame Size - 145T TS = RPM x 6.283
SBCE/SBCS-3L24-3 1/3
707 0.25 11.7 4871 4203 3934 3666 3046
777 0.33 13.3 5353 4759 4578 4333 3826 3181
828 0.40 14.6 5704 5156 5000 4804 4346 3836
SBCE/SBCS-3H24-3 1/3
829 0.25 13.1
4726 4160 4012 3859 3528 3131 2459 998
911 0.33 15.2 5193 4686 4549 4414 4128 3824 3457 1842 771
968 0.40 16.7 5518 5046 4917 4788 4531 4251 3945 3338 1239
SBCE/SBCS-3L24-5 1/2
892 0.50 16.3 6145 5646 5503 5358 4955 4525 4034
948 0.60 18.0 6531 6070 5936 5800 5474 5073 4647 3825
SBCE/SBCS-3H24-5 1/2
1043 0.50 18.7 5946 5515 5394 5274 5038 4790 4529 4086 1820 1066
1108 0.60 20 6317 5917 5803 5690 5466 5244 5001 4621 3734 1589 878
SBCE/SBCS-3L24-7 3/4
1021 0.75 20 7034 6617 6493 6368 6116 5761 5390 4774
1085 0.90 21 7475 7092 6975 6858 6622 6349 5999 5463
SBCE/SBCS-3H24-7 3/4
1194 0.75 22 6807 6438 6339 6233 6023 5817 5609 5268 4627 3509 1584
1268 0.90 23 7229 6881 6794 6696 6498 6301 6107 5800 5243 4536 2159 917
SBCE/SBCS-3L24-10 1
1124 1.00 22 7743 7380 7267 7154 6927 6698 6362 5856 4888
1194 1.20 24 8225 7892 7788 7682 7469 7253 7004 6527 5677
SBCE/SBCS-3H24-10 1
1314 1.00 24 7491 7156 7072 6981 6790 6599 6412 6124 5603 4981 3940 1304
1396 1.20 26 7958 7643 7564 7485 7306 7126 6948 6684 6208 5685 5051 1966
30 Performance Max RPM L - 1262 H - 1616 Max Motor Frame Size - 184T TS = RPM x 7.854
SBCE/SBCS-3L30-5 1/2
569 0.33 13.0 7847 6270 5795 5113
654 0.50 15.2 9019 7723 7321 6931 5825
695 0.60 16.6 9585 8388 8025 7647 6798
SBCE/SBCS-3H30-5 1/2
728 0.33 14.5 7043 6131 5893 5647 5111 4342 3084
837 0.50 17.6 8097 7305 7109 6902 6478 6018 5432 4155
890 0.60 19.1 8610 7863 7681 7492 7098 6696 6238 5288
SBCE/SBCS-3L30-7 3/4
749 0.75 18.5 10329 9246 8927 8580 7894 6971
795 0.90 20 10964 9966 9665 9359 8700 7988 6979
SBCE/SBCS-3H30-7 3/4
958 0.75 21 9268 8571 8402 8233 7875 7504 7125 6434 4568
1018 0.90 23 9848 9190 9031 8872 8544 8201 7850 7277 5927
SBCE/SBCS-3L30-10 1
824 1.00 21 11364 10408 10126 9836 9204 8587 7726
875 1.20 23 12067 11169 10927 10653 10081 9486 8839 7440
SBCE/SBCS-3H30-10 1
1055 1.00 24 10206 9569 9416 9263 8951 8623 8286 7759 6591 4668
1121 1.20 26 10845 10242 10098 9954 9665 9362 9051 8572 7667 6305
SBCE/SBCS-3L30-15 1
943 1.50 25 13005 12173 11962 11727 11220 10666 10120 9119
1002 1.80 28 13818 13038 12839 12640 12168 11672 11148 10388
SBCE/SBCS-3H30-15 1
1207 1.50 30 11677 11117 10980 10846 10578 10308 10022 9584 8814 7822 6497
1283 1.80 34
12412 11886 11754 11627 11375 11122 10863 10458 9762 8982 7921
SBCE/SBCS-3L30-20 2
1038 2.00 29 14315 13562 13370 13178 12740 12277 11771 11028 9312
1103 2.40 32 15211 14504 14324 14143 13762 13329 12877 12162 10837
SBCE/SBCS-3H30-20 2
1329 2.00 35 12857 12349 12222 12097 11853 11610 11366 10976 10309 9588 8680 5623
1412 2.40 39
13660 13182 13062 12943 12712 12483 12254 11898 11279 10645 9926 7863
SBCE/SBCS-3L30-30 3
1188 3.00 36 16383 15727 15562 15394 15059 14678 14275 13631 12547 11117
1262 3.60 40 17404 16786 16632 16475 16159 15835 15456 14881 13842 12738 11164
SBCE/SBCS-3H30-30 3
1521 3.00 43
14715 14271 14160 14049 13829 13617 13404 13085 12521 11939 11347 9800
1616 3.60 47 15634 15216 15111 15007 14798 14596 14396 14096 13579 13041 12487 11270
CFM values shown
in black are the most
efficient selections.
Values shown in gray
are not recommended.