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Before calling for service, please read through the information listed below, this may save you time and energy. Most
common problems are listed hereunder, not including defects of workmanship and materials used in the production of
this refrigerator.
Problem observed Possible cause Solution
Running of refrigerator
Refrigerator is in defrost
This is normal for a fully automatic defrost
refrigerator. The defrost cycle occurs regularly,
lasting around 30 minutes each time.
Not connected to wall
Make sure the plug is securely connected to a
wall outlet.
House fuse blown or circuit
breaker tripped.
Replace a 20amp time-delay fuse, or reset the
circuit breaker.
Compressor does not
Power outage. Check outlets for power supply, or call local
electric company.
High ambient temperature. It normal for the refrigerator to work longer under
this condition.
Refrigerator has been out
of power for some time.
Allow 8-12 hours for the refrigerator to cool down.
Ice maker in operation. Usage of ice make can prolong refrigerator’s
running time a little bit.
Frequent door or long
Warm air enters the refrigerator and increase
running time required. Keep down door openings.
Door(s) not securely
Make sure the installation is level. Keep food,
shelves and drawers from blocking the door.
Freezer temperature is set
too low
Set freezer to a higher temperature until
satisfactory. It takes 24 hours for the new settings
to take effect stably.
Gasket(s) is dirty, worn,
cracked, or poorly fitted.
Clean of replace with new gasket. Poor air tight
performance will cause overrun of the refrigerator.
Refrigerator runs too
Dirty condenser. Clean the condenser.
Compressor cycles on
and off frequently.
Thermostat keeps the
refrigerator at a constant
This is normal. The compressor cycles to
maintain even temperature.
Temperature too low
Freezer too cold,
refrigerator ok
Freezer control is set too
Change freezer settings, allow 24 hours for
temperature to stabilize.
Refrigerator too cold,
freezer ok
Refrigerator control is set
too cold.
Change refrigerator settings, allow 24 hours for
temperature to stabilize