No water running 1. Empty bottle 1. Replace with new bottle
out from faucets 2. Inlet of bottle supporter 2. Clean out wasted paper
blocked by bottle seal and bottle seal, install
bottle again
Water dispenser does 1. Empty water bottle 1. Replace with new bottle
not work 2. Mineral deposits clogging tank 2. See Care and Cleaning.
Water dispenser leaks 1. Crack or pin hole in bottle 1. Replace with new bottle
from the outside
Compressor runs too 1. Room temperature is hotter 1.This may be necessary to
frequently than normal maintain a constant
temperature during hot
and humid days
2. Dispenser does not have 2.Check to be sure unit is
proper clearance properly located to ensure
adequate airflow
Noisy operation 1.Improper installation 1.Place the machine on level
2.Bottle making a gurgling noise 2.This is normal
3.Hot water boiling sound 3.This is normal
4.Dispenser or water bottle 4.This is normal
shakes when the cooling
system cycles off
Particles floating in 1.Water has high mineral 1.Find a water source with
Water content lower hardness
Water in bottle is hot 1.Water is boiling in the hot 1.Press the hot dispenser
tank and bubbling up into button until water flows to
the bottle remove air from the hot tank
Foul odor in air around 1.Hot water tank is empty or 1.Press the hot dispenser
dispenser not completely full button until water flows to
remove air from the hot tank
Water has poor taste 1.Separator needs cleaning 1.See Cleaning the Separator
or odor
2.Unit needs to be sanitized 2.See Cleaning and Sanitizing
the Water Tanks.