Henny Penny none Fryer User Manual

With regional corporate of ces in the United States, Mexico,
France, Russia, Lebanon, China and Singapore, as well as a
distributor network reaching over 100 countries, Henny Penny
offers quick problem resolution anywhere in the world.
Henny Penny’s dedicated
service parts assembly area
ensures parts requests and
repairs are handled quickly
to minimize downtime and
lost revenue.
From initial design to a er-sales support, Henny Penny
works tirelessly to be a partner in your company’s success.
We treat your purchase as the beginning of a mutually bene cial
relationship, and go out of our way to respond quickly to
your needs as they arise. We also
take an active role in identifying
and implementing the most
useful technology, and  nding the
best solutions to the foodservice
challenges that you face every day.
With Henny Penny, you can be
con dent that you’ll receive not only
the best products, but also a level of
ongoing service that lives up to the
same high standards. O ering global
scope and personal attention, we’re
behind you every step of the way.
Shining Service