Hobart HHFC5 Kitchen Utensil User Manual

Fig. 1
1. Lift the front glass into the upright position.
2. Remove the operator side service doors.
3. Place the stainless steel well adapter insert into the deli case well on the side (left or right) that is
provided with the two-foot wide short piece of front glass.
4. Align the mid-divider glass bracket located on the stainless steel insert with the glass bracket
located under the overhead heater assembly.
5. Install the mid-divider glass taking care to avoid fracturing the glass. Do not slide the glass on the
stainless steel surfaces.
6. After installing the mid-divider glass, lower the front glass slowly and make sure it does not hit the
side edge of the mid-divider glass. Notice where the front glass rests when in the down position.
The front edge of the mid-divider glass should stop just beyond where the front glass rests in the
down position. The mid-divider glass should come as close as possible to the front glass panel
without touching it. The deli case has been specifically designed so the mid-divider glass and front
glass do not touch each other in order to avoid possible fracture.
7. Place the 18 x 26" tray insert into the Two-Foot Self-Service adapter.
8. Place the raised wire grid insert into the 18 x 26" tray insert. The raised wire grid keeps the
packaged hot food products off the surface of the insert and level with the well surface.
Installation of Light Bulbs or Heat Lamps
Unpack light bulb(s) or heat lamp(s) and install in socket(s). If your model has halogen light bulbs, use
a soft cloth to handle them. Human contact with halogen bulbs can reduce bulb life.
Installation of Two-Foot Self-Service Section (Optional)
The Two-Foot Self-Service Section (Fig. 1,
right side) permits previously packaged hot
foods to be displayed and allows the
customer to grab-it-and-go. The Two-Foot
Self-Service Section consists of the following
components: A fabricated stainless steel
well adapter insert, an 18 x 26" insert tray, a
raised wire grid insert for the insert tray and
a mid-divider glass panel.
The mid-divider glass panel is certified
tempered safety glass.
For those cases where the Two-Foot Self-
Service Section and the Two-Foot Tile Insert
option are both furnished, the following
components are used: A fabricated stainless
steel well adapter insert, an insert tile tray
and a mid-divider glass panel.