Hobart ML-124068 Freezer User Manual

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Alarms Sets the buzzer intervals after Door is Open or when to be notified that the
Compressor needs to be Cleaned.
Buzzer The control’s buzzer can have its volume and tone adjusted in the System Parameters.
By Temp Chill cycle that terminates when the probes reach the Target Temperature.
By Time Chill cycle that terminates after a set amount of time has lapsed.
By Prod Chill cycle that terminates after a particular product’s specified chill parameters are
met (the parameters can be set either By Temp or By Time with specific cut-offs for
a particular product.
Chill Chilling Cycle that may end with either Time or Temperature controlled events. (Also
see Soft Chill or Freeze).
Clock Allows the Date and Time to be entered so the system’s clock correctly records
chilling events.
Cycle # The system assigns a consecutive number to each Chill Cycle.
Defrost System Controlled Defrost occurs after six hours of chilling. The defrost will not
begin during a chill cycle. The system waits until it is in Holding mode before starting
the defrost cycle. The Defrost from the Main Menu is a manual defrost that will not
run if selected and unneeded. The Defrost cycle requires about 20 minutes.
Fac Presets Factory Presets are system parameters that are set at the factory but can be
changed by the supervisor.
Freeze This mode is only available on model HQCF45. It allows the product to be frozen
down to a target temperature of 0°F (–18°C). The target temperature range available
for freeze mode varies from –22°F to 28°F.
Hold Prod After a chill mode has been done or when selected from the Main Menu, the chiller
will act like a regular refrigerator (or freezer on model HQCF45).
Label A condensed Chill Cycle Report that can be printed on adhesive-backed label stock
by the optional second label printer.
Logging The time interval at which Chill Cycle data (temperature vs. time) is logged into
memory for record purposes. This time interval can be modified in Sys Par (System
Parameters) by the supervisor. The range of settings available for this time interval
is: 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes.
Main Menu The two initial menus available from the controller after the chiller is turned on.
Mode Basic chiller operating parameters are available from Sys Par in Setup mode.
Chill mode parameters allow adjustment of the target temperature, the air temperature
during chill mode, the hold mode temperature, the high alarm temperature, the low
alarm temperature and the maximum chill mode target temperature.
Soft Chill mode parameters apply a modification of some of the Chill settings during
the final portion of the chill cycle if Soft Chill is selected. Soft Chill provides additional
protection against freezing of surfaces.
Freeze mode parameters (only available on model HQCF45) provide separate
freeze settings that allow a direct hard freeze of product.