2. Determine a location that is easily accessible for
storage tank shutoff valve placement.
A. Measure the distance from storage tank
connection point to desired shutoff valve
B. Cut off appropriate length of 3/8" tubing.
C. Insert 3/8" tubing into the push fitting on
the tank adapter so that the tubing extends
through the hole at the base of the tank.
D. Connect the supplied 3/8" ball valve (tank
shut-off valve) to the other end of 3/8"
3. Place the tank in a location away from traffic.
Ensure the selected area will support the weight
of the tank when full (140lbs).
4. Run 3/8" poly tubing from the tank shut-off valve
to the push connection at the bottom of the high
pressure switch mounted on the left side of the
RO filter system under the bracket and behind
the sediment filter.
1. Insert supplied 1/4" tubing into the brine outlet
port on the permeate pump.
NOTE: The drain line cannot be crimped or blocked.
2. Run tubing from brine outlet port to the drain
using the least amount of tubing as possible.
3. Provide an air gap between end of drain tubing
and drain.
4. Secure drain line in place using plastic ties.
NOTE: All local plumbing codes must be met when
installing drain line.
1. Insert 3/8" tubing into the outlet connection tee
on the right side of the system. Run the
minimum amount of tubing required to the inlet
port of the equipment being fed.
NOTE: RO product water is only intended for misting
and the equipment boiler/generator. Do not connect
product water to the condensate line.