2 - 5
Parameter Description
pImg Pointer to an HHP_IMAGE structure if bWait is TRUE. If bWait is FALSE, the parameter
is ignored and should be NULL.
pImgTrans Optional pointer to an HHP_IMAGE_TRANSFER structure. This structure overrides (just
for this call) the current imager configuration, and specifies the pixel subsample, cropping
rectangle, transfer compression type, compression factor (for JPEG lossy transfer), and
progress notification method. If this parameter is NULL, the current imager configuration
settings are used except for the progress notification methods that must be specified for
each call if notification is desired.
bWait If TRUE, do not return until the image is received or an error occurs. If FALSE, return
immediately. One of the event notification methods must be enabled to receive notification
on completion.
This function opens a connection to an imager. The connection must be closed by calling hhpDisconnect (page 2-3). The caller
can verify that the imager is connected by calling hhpEngineConnected (page 2-4).
PTCHAR ptcConnectName,
PVOID pStruct
Parameter Description
ptcConnectName The name of driver for the hardware port, e.g., "COM1:" or "\\.\COM12."
pStruct An optional structure that contains setup information for the hardware port, or NULL.
HHP_SERIAL_PORT_CONFIG is used to configure a serial port connection.
Captures a portion of the image in which a barcode is decoded. The position of the image is specified relative to the center of
the barcode. This function differs from hhpAcquireIntelligentImage (page 2-1) in that the barcode data is returned as a raw
(untranslated) byte data array.
Note: Since the HHP_INTEL_IMG structure requires that image offsets and size be specified in barcode units, the
HHP_INTEL_IMG structure has a size member that allows you to specify (in pixels) the maximum allowable width and
height for the returned image.
DWORD dwTimeout,
BOOL bWait
Parameter Description
pIntelImg Pointer to an HHP_INTEL_IMG structure that contains the setup parameters describing
the location of the intelligent image relative to the barcode.
pRawDecodeMsg Pointer to an HHP_RAW_DECODE_MSG structure if bWait is TRUE. If bWait is FALSE,
the parameter is ignored and should be NULL. The intelligent barcode raw data
(untranslated) is returned here.
dwTimeout Maximum time (in milliseconds) to attempt to decode before declaring a no decode.
pImg Pointer to an HHP_IMAGE structure if bWait is TRUE. If FALSE, the parameter is ignored
and should be NULL.
bWait If TRUE, do not return until the image is received, the decode timeout is reached, or an
error occurs. If FALSE, return immediately. One of the event notification methods must
be enabled to receive notification of completion (see hhpSetAsyncMethods on page 2-10).