4 Programming and Advanced Features continued
B Display Variables
The Manning EC-P2 has two adjustable display
variables. These variables control signal conditioning
of the LCD display. Variables are stored on each
SMART-CELL. The AVG (Average) variable
determines the number of one second samples to
average to calculate the displayed value. The lower
the averaging value, the faster the display will
change and the more “wiggle” will be displayed. The
BLANK (zero blanking) variable controls the lowest
reading that will be displayed. This is to eliminate the
misleading display of signals within the zero noise of
the sensor. The following procedure will change the
AVG variable.
To Enter AVG / BLANK Mode
1) Push power button to turn unit on. Wait for
power up sequence to finish (30 seconds).
2) Push and hold the unnamed button first, then
Push and hold the Menu button. Hold both
buttons until the screen goes blank (two
seconds). Release both buttons and the unit is
now in Programming Mode.
3) Push the MORE button.
4) Push the DISP (display) button and the unit is
now in the AVG / BLANK mode.
AVG Variable
5) Push AVG button.
6) Push INC button (increase) or DEC button
(decrease) until the display matches the desired
7) Push SAVE button to store new AVG variable.
To Exit AVG / BLANK Mode
8) Push DONE button twice slowly to get back into
normal operation mode.
The Blanking variable is programmed in the
same manner, except for step 5 above in which
you would push the BLANK button.
C Sample Mode
The Sample Mode feature allows the user to take a
measurement using a predefined repeatable method
to eliminate user “interpretation” of a gas concentra-
tion that is changing. This is similar to a digital scale,
for example, so the exact same reading will be taken
regardless of who is taking it.
The measuring sequence used in Sample Mode is as
• Draw a Sample for a user programmed
sampling time to allow unit to stabilize to the
existing gas concentration.
• Measure the gas concentration and average it
for a user programmed measuring time.
• Clear the gas concentration to below a user
programmed recovery value before allowing
another cycle to start. (Unit should be moved to
fresh air during the clear time.)
Taking a sample:
To take a sample, locate the detector at the desired
sample location, and push the SMPL (sample) button
on the normal operation screen. The unit will count
down the Sample time, followed by the Measure time,
at the end of which the average value will be
Note the displayed sample value. Pushing the
CLEAR button will return the unit to the normal
operation screen once the gas concentration is
below the predefined recovery value. The unit is now
ready to take another sample if desired.
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