Hoover HBM 205 X Microwave Oven User Manual

Advice for Good Usage of the Oven
Working with microwaves
Before using any dish, make sure that it is appropriate for use in microwaves (SEE ADVICE ON THE USE OF
Always make a slit in the food's shell before cooking it.
Whenever heating liquids use a recipient with a large opening to allow the vapour to escape.
Remember that:
1. Larger quantities of food require more cooking time.
2. The lower the food temperature the more cooking time is needed.
3. Less dense foods cook faster.
4. An even distribution of the food in the oven guarantees better results. The cooking of different types
of foods simultaneously is possible by placing the dense food in an outside circle and the less dense
in the centre of the plate.
5. Better results are achieved by allowing the food to stand before serving because it continues to cook
for some time after the oven is switched off.
6. The cooking time may be shortened and the liquids preserved (the food doesn't dry out) by covering
the food. The lids should be transparent to allow the microwaves through and they should have a
small opening for the vapour to escape.
Functioning of the grill
For best results of the grill, use the grill rack supplied with the appliance.
Do not place the grill rack in contact with the cavity’s metal surface as there may be an electric arc and
consequent damages.
1. While the grill is being used for the first time, the producing of fumes and odours is normal, due to the
oils used in the manufacturing process.
2. After the first uses 0f the grill, it is normal for the perforated area that protects the heating elements
of the grill to deform and to become a golden colour due to the high temperatures that the grill
reaches during use.
3. The glass on the door reaches high temperatures during grilling. Therefore the oven should be
installed at least 80 cm above the floor, SO AS TO BE OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.
4. While in operation, the inside walls of the oven and the grill become very hot, therefore the use of
kitchen gloves is recommended.
5. During extended use of the grill it is normal for the heating elements to switch off for short periods
due to the action of the safety temperature limiter.
6. Do not use plastic containers or others that have poor temperature resistance, as these could be
destroyed due to the high temperatures that the grill reaches.