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Protect the paint finish. The finish
on the outside of the refrigerator is
a high quality, baked-onpaint finish.
VVithproper care, it will stay new-
Iooking andrust-freefor years.Apply
acoat of appliance polish waxwhen
the refriggv-atoris new and then at
least twice a year.
Appliance Polish Wax&Cleaner
(Cat. No. WR97X216)isavailable
from GE/Hotpoint Appliance
Parts Marts.
Keep the finish clean. Wipe
with a clean cloth lightly dampened
with appliance polish wax or mild
liquid dishwashing detergent. Dry
and polish with a ciean, soft cloth.
DOInot wipe the refrigerator with
a soiled dishwashing cloth or wet
towel. i% not use scouring pads,
powdered cJeaners, bleach, or
cleaners containing bleach.
?-m; .-! ,~.
Clean both fresh food and freezer
compartments at least once a year.
It is recommended that the refriger-
ator be unplugged before cleaning.
If this is not practical, wring excess
moisture out of sponge or cloth
when cleaning in the vicinity of
switches, lights or controls.
Use warm water and baking soda
solution—about a tablespoon of
baking soda to a quart of water.
Rinse thoroughly with water and
wipe dry. Follow this same pro-
cedure for cleaning door gaskets,
meat and vegetable drawers, and
all plastic parts. Wash ice trays and
ice storage bin in lukewarm water
on!y. Do not use cleansing powders
or other abrasive cleaners.
Careshould be taken in moving
your refrigerator awayfrom the wall.
Al! types of floor coverings can be
damaged, particularly cushioned
coverings andthosewith embossed
surfaces. If your refrigerator is on
wheels, pull it straight out and return
it to position by pushing it straight
in. Moving your refrigerator inaside
direction may result in damage to
your floor covering or refrigerator.
For most efficient operation,
remove the base grille [see page 2)
and remove the defrost water pan,
then either sweep awayor vacuum
up dust that is
readily accessible.
1! m, 1,
This easycleaning
operation should
be done at least
once ayear.
A Hotpoint automatic icemaker will
repiace the ice you use... automati-
cally. It can keep you supplied with
abinfui of cubes-ice for everything,
everybody-without fuss or muss.
if your refrigerator did not come
aiready equipped with an auto-
matic icemaker,you may add one—
contact vour iocai Fiotpoint deaier;
specify LJK-KiT-I. “
/Vote:Some models are not equippe -‘
to acced an automatic icemaker
Pan iocated behind base griiie
shouid be cieaned at ieast once a
year.When reinstalling pan,firmiy
push pan ALL THE WAYiN untii
it stops.
Your ice cubes can oniy be
as ciear and fresh-tasting
asthe water that produces
them. That’swhy it’sa good
idea to purify your water
with a Quadra Kieen Water
its activated charcoai
removes musty,staie odors
and unpleasant medicinai,
metaliic tastes. A porous
fiber cartridge catches dirt,
rust particies, sand and
silt while special crystals
reduce deposits of hard
The water filter is an option at
extra cost and isavaiia.biefrom your
Hotpoint dealer. Specify WFW7X2-14._
It has complete installation inshwc~~,~-~j
tions and installs in rninut~s on l/4’}~;-r-
0.5. copper water line.