A Error Messages and Indicators
Desktop Board DG35EC reports POST errors in two ways:
• By sounding a beep code
• By displaying an error message on the monitor
BIOS Beep Codes
The BIOS also issues a beep code (one long tone followed by two short tones) during
POST if the video configuration fails (a faulty video card or no card installed) or if an
external ROM module does not properly checksum to zero. Table 14 lists the BIOS
Table 14.
Beep Codes
Beep Description
3 No memory
Siren Processor overheat (on reboot)
BIOS Error Messages
When a recoverable error occurs during the POST, the BIOS displays an error message
describing the problem. Table 15 gives an explanation of
the BIOS error messages.
Table 15. BIOS Error Messages
Error Message Explanation
Processor was previously shutdown due to a thermal event
MULTI_BIT_ECC_ERROR The firmware has detected that a Multi-Bit ECC Error occurred.
SINGLE_BIT_ECC_ERROR The firmware has detected that a Single-Bit ECC Error occurred.
CMOS_BATTERY_ERROR The firmware has detected that a CMOS battery failure occurred.
CMOS_CHECKSUM_ERROR The firmware has detected that a CMOS Checksum Error occurred.
The firmware has detected that the system date/time has not
been set.
The firmware has detected that the system memory has
INTRUDER_DETECTION_ERROR The system chassis was opened.
SERIAL PRESENCE DETECT (SPD) device data missing or
inconclusive. Properly programmed SPD device data is required
for reliable operation.
The installed amount of memory in Channel A is not equal to the
amount of memory in Channel B. Maximum memory performance
is achieved with equal amounts of memory installed in each