The dishmachine is a “DUMP AND FILL” type unit that dumps (drains) the wash water after each washing cycle. Water added
from the fresh water final rinse is used for the next washing cycle.
Mount the chemical dispenser unit in a convienent location on the wall.
VERY IMPORTANT: Do Not use a domestic type detergent in this machine at any time. This type of detergent may dam-
age and/or obstruct pump operation or cause corrosion in the tank.
LT-1 DISPENSING EQUIPMENT- ELECTRICAL CONNECTION: Power and signal source for the sanitizer are provided as fol-
1. SANITIZER SIGNAL-White/red wire, signal (line voltage) for sanitizer dispensing. Connected between the normally closed
contact (N.C.) of C6 cam and the Sanitizer Pump Motor (SM) also connecting to the Sanitizer Prime Switch (S4). Sanitizer will
be dispensed during the rinse cycle.
2. DISPENSER POWER-White wire (line voltage). Connected between Sanitizer Primer Switch (S4) and the On/Fill-Off/Drain
Switch (S1).
All conduit and wiring for the interconnections is shipped pre-mounted to the LT-1 chemical dispensing equipment. For con-
nections to the dishmachine the wires terminate with butt splice connectors. When installing the chemical dispensing wiring
match the correct wire colors then crimp the connectors.
LT-3 DISPENSING EQUIPMENT- ELECTRICAL CONNECTION: Power and signal source for the detergent and rinse aid are
provided as follows:
1. SANITIZER SIGNAL-White/red wire, signal (line voltage) for sanitizer dispensing. Connected between the normally closed
contact (N.C.) of C6 cam and the Sanitizer Pump Motor (SM) also connecting to the Sanitizer Prime Switch (S4). Sanitizer will
be dispensed during the rinse cycle.
2. DISPENSER POWER-White wire (line voltage). Connected between Sanitizer Primer Switch (S4) and the On/Fill-Off/Drain
Switch (S1).
3. DETERGENT SIGNAL-White/red wire, signal (line voltage) for detergent dispensing. Connected between the normally
closed contact (N.C.) of C7 cam and the Detergent Pump Motor (DM) also connecting to the Detergent Prime Switch (S5).
Detergent will be dispensed during the rinse cycle.
4. DISPENSER POWER-White wire (line voltage). Connected between Detergent Primer Switch (S5) and the On/Fill-
Off/Drain Switch (S1).
5. RINSE ADDITIVE SIGNAL-White/red wire, signal (line voltage) for rinse additive dispensing. Connected between the nor-
mally closed contact (N.C.) of C8 cam and the Rinse Aid Pump Motor (RM) also connecting to the Rinse Aid Prime Switch (S6).
Rinse Aid will be dispensed during the rinse cycle.
6. DISPENSER POWER-White wire (line voltage). Connected between Rinse Aid Primer Switch (S6) and the On/Fill-Off/Drain
Switch (S1).
All conduit and wiring for the interconnections is shipped pre-mounted to the LT-3 chemical dispensing panel. For connections
to the dishmachine the wires terminate with butt splice connectors. When installing the chemical dispensing wiring match the
correct wire colors then crimp the connectors.
SANITIZER RECOMMENDATIONS: We suggest that you contact your local chemical specialist for the correct sanitizer for
your application.
DETERGENT RECOMMENDATIONS AND RINSE ADDITIVES (LT-3 Only): We suggest that you contact your local detergent
specialist for the correct detergent and rinse additives for your area.