Whenchoosingeookwareforthe inductionelements,considerthematerial,gauge,and
size of the cookware. Note: Cookware does NOT have to be flat for optimum
performanceon the inductionelements.
The cookware MUST be made of a ferromagnetic material in order to work on the
inductioncooktop. Todetermineifamaterialismagnetic,testthebottomofthe cookware
witha magnet, Ifthe magnetsticksto theoutsidebottom ofthecookware,thecookware
will workon your inductionelement.
Examplesof magneticmaterialare:
• porcelainon steel;
• porcelainon cast-iron;
• cast-iron;and
• tri-ply stainlesssteel,
Examplesofnonferromagneticmaterials,whichdo NOTwork ontheinductionelements
• a(uminumor aluminumclad;
• copperor copperclad;
• porcelainon aluminum;
• glass-ceramic;or
• earthenware.
Cookwarecomes ina varietyof gaugethicknesses. Thingauge potswillperformwell in
bringingwaterto aboil quickly,simmering,and stewing. Heaviergaugeskilletsprovide
a betteroverallbrowning pattern.
• Cookpots MUSTbe at least 4 or more inches in diameter in order to work on the
• Forbetterbrowningwhenpan-frying, matchthe bottomdiameterof the skilletwith
thesize of the cooking area.
Use Jenn-Air'sflat bottomwok (ModelAOf42) for
optimumresults. ModelAO142wokhasa nonstiek
finish, wood handles, cover, steaming rack, rice
paddles,cookingtips and recipes.