The cooking areas are identifiedby circles on the glass-ceramiccooktop. When an
elementisturned ON,the cooktopwill heat up andthe red glow ofthe heatingelement
canbeseenthroughthe glass-ceramictop. Itisnormaltosee theredglowoftheelement
wheneverit is ON.
• Forbest results,alwaysuse recommendedcookware.
• Makesure bottomof cookwareis cleanbefore placingon cooktop.
• Coveringpans, wheneverpossible,speeds cooking and is more energy efficient.
This isespecially importantwhen cooking largequantitiesof foods.
• Theglass-ceramiccookingarea retainsheat fora periodof time afterthe elements
havebeenturned off. Put this retainedheatto good use. Turn theelements off a
few minutesbeforefoodis completelycookedanduse theretainedheattocomplete
the cooking. Because of this heat retentioncharacteristic,the elements will not
respondtochangesinsettingsasquicklyascellelements, inthe eventofapotential
boJlover,removethecookpotfrom the cooking area.
• Whenpreparingfoods whichcanbe easilyscorchedorovercooked,start cookingat
a lowersetting andgradually increasesettingas needed.
• A lowersettingcan be usedwhen cooking smallquantitiesof foods or whenusing
a cookpotthat conductsheat quickly.
• A higher settingthan normal maybe necessarywhenusing cookpotsmadewith a
materialthat is slow to conductheat, such as cast iron.
• Donotusewiretrivets,firerings,padsoranysuchitembetweenthecookwareand
• Do notcookfoods directlyon cooktop.
• Do notallowpan to boildry as thiscould damagethe cooktop and thepan.
• Donotslideheavymetalorglasscookpotsacrosssurfacesincethesemayscratch
• Do notuseor place plastic items anywhereon cooktop.